Tuesday, 10 July 2018



The day the bulldozers came from Miz Malinzt CREDIT TO MIZ MALINZT

The Day the Bulldozers Came

by David Orme

The day the bulldozers came
Rooks were building
Crazy egg baskets in the oaks;
Green flies sizzled by the pond
And a cold-eyed toad
Waited for them.

The day the bulldozers came
Squirrels were scattering
Up tree trunks,
And leapt from branches
That were hardly there.

The fox
Stirred in his sleep
As the ground trembled.
       ‘Ha ha!’ he thought,
       ‘I’m quite safe,
Deep down in the Earth,
No one can get me here.’
Then the bulldozer came.


credit to Grace for her LESSON PLAN on this poem : 

credit to Miss Nancie

This lesson aims to help students explore their understanding towards the poem. This poem is relatively straight forward .It was challenging enough for the the students to explore . Students need to read the poem at home.

Students have to explore the poem on their own first before the meaning is explained . 
Students were asked to be seated in their groups.
The groups are given : 
a piece of paper with coloured pictures related to the poem, scissors, glue, coloured pens and drawing blocks .
Students are instructed to 
a) interpret the poem on in their own groups according to their understanding.
b) imagine what the animals in the woods would have said when they saw the bulldozers. They needed to write the bubble chat on the paper and the reason for giving this exercise is to promote higher order thinking skills in a way that was not threatening.

c) Once completed, they are then asked to display their work at the back of their class and vote for the best bubble chat as well as interpretation of poem. 

Hopefully students will manage to work together to interpret the poem and come up with funny yet logical bubble chats amongst the animals.

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