Ucapan / Speech

DATE : FRIDAY, 6 SEPT 2019 (- Foreign Exchange Student / MALTHAI)

Mr _____________________________ , Director of ____________________________,  Thailand, teachers and members of the floor.
First of all,  I would like to welcome all of you to Sek Men Sains Tuanku Syed Putra . It is a great pleasure for SMSTSP to be given an opportunity to get to know teachers and students from Thailand.
Thank you for coming to this school and spending some time with us , to get to know us better . Before I proceed , I would like to introduce our teachers…
Firstly we have Mr …

Ladies and gentlemen, teachers and students from both schools,
I would like to congratulate …………………………………………………… for being able to organize a visit to Malaysia. It is something wonderful for the  students and teachers from your school to have the opportunity to visit another country .

Traveling to other countries can build students’ self-confidence and provide new experiences and memories. The students will be exposed to many new things especially if the school has collaboration with the school they are visiting.  The school might have arranged interesting activities to expose the students to the country’s culture. They might be taught skills  like learning to cook the traditional food, learning the country’s traditional games or a new language. Other new experience might be how to produce Batik , a kind of traditional drawing on clothes. The organizing school might also bring the students to interesting places nearby and let the students see for themselves the different parts of Malaysia.

All these will enhance the students’ knowledge and we know that any type of learning makes human brains more active, and that is very good for the students.

By collaborating and carrying out activities together, our schools will be implementing a new way of learning which will provide our students with the 21st century skills , the set of skills required by students all over the world, and this has become a trend in the world of education.

Ladies and gentlemen,

We cannot deny that by having collaboration between schools, especially when it involves two countries,  students will benefit the most.  We have seen examples of our students who have gone to other countries, becoming more mature and successful in  their exams and most importantly in their lives.

While they are in other countries, they will be able to exchange their ideas and share views with students of the same age and become long lasting friends.  All these will allow students to gain new experiences and insights.  What is more important is that this experience will boost the students’ self-confidence .

Hopefully this visit will be a starting point for us to build a smart partnership. By doing joint activities, a lot can be achieved . I am sure that if this cooperation continues between our schools, in the long run , it will help develop our students and teachers to become better in many ways.

With that remark, I once again would like to express my deepest appreciation to our visitors. Finally, I wish all of us the best in our future undertakings.
Thank you.

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